My husband, who is a big science fiction fan, wrote this short story, I only did a bit of editing. Enjoy! “They're gaining on us,” the soft synthesized voice said. “How long do we have, Katie?” asked the pilot. “At their current rate of speed, I estimate we have 12 minutes to intercept,” replied the voice in a reassuring tone. “12 minutes,” thought the pilot. As his mind began to race, he looked down at the velocity indicator needle already beginning to dip into the red zone. “There's no way I'll make it back at this speed! I need at least 20 minutes to get in range of the base leader.” “10 minutes, 51 seconds,” the quiet voice said, snapping him back to reality. “Do you want me to start scrolling up the combat computer?” “How many of them are there?” asked the pilot. His attention was focused on guiding the recon ship back to the base. Afterwards, there would be plenty of time to vent his panic. The soft voice fell silent for a moment. “Typical,” thought the pilot. Katie ...