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Showing posts from May, 2012

12 Minutes

My husband, who is a big science fiction fan, wrote this short story, I only did a bit of editing. Enjoy! “They're gaining on us,” the soft synthesized voice said. “How long do we have, Katie?” asked the pilot. “At their current rate of speed, I estimate we have 12 minutes to intercept,” replied the voice in a reassuring tone. “12 minutes,” thought the pilot. As his mind began to race, he looked down at the velocity indicator needle already beginning to dip into the red zone. “There's no way I'll make it back at this speed! I need at least 20 minutes to get in range of the base leader.” “10 minutes, 51 seconds,” the quiet voice said, snapping him back to reality. “Do you want me to start scrolling up the combat computer?” “How many of them are there?” asked the pilot. His attention was focused on guiding the recon ship back to the base. Afterwards, there would be plenty of time to vent his panic. The soft voice fell silent for a moment. “Typical,” thought the pilot. Katie ...

Greetings Feline Blanca!

When I was in grade school about the 4 th grade, I remember a girl in my class had an electric blue eraser. It even had its own small plastic case that had a cut out cloud and a white cat with an oval head in an airplane. I had never seen anything like this. I was accustomed to the drab, putty colored eraser, or the angular Pink Pearl. I asked to see it. When it was up close, I saw the words “Hello Kitty high up in the sky”.  I noticed a bubble gum aroma coming from this eraser. This was the moment I was introduced to the land of wonderful world of Sanrio . Throughout that year, my parents purchased for me many different scented erasers. Hello Kitty was the most proficient, but there were other characters—My Melody a white bunny with a pink hat covering its round ears, Tiny Poem was represented by a Raggedy Ann/ Holly Hobby clone and an obedient lamb. Just seeing these characters made me wonder about their back stories.  I do believe this was the exact moment that I became f...

Where have I been?

In the past few weeks, I have retreated into myself, letting the mist of quiet sadness drape over me.  I was only finding solace in finding more things to worry me. I was neglectful to my writing, but now, I’m starting to shake off the haze of sorrow. I’m able to apply the rule write what you know. Here I sit, putting down on the electronic page what I have been experiencing. My husband’s health issues have caused this downward shift in my disposition. It started out innocently enough—a few months back, he was having soreness in his right elbow. Then over the course of weeks, the dull ache graduated to searing agony that had spread throughout his whole right arm, shoulder and back of his head.  Some mornings, he woke up with his right arm twitching uncontrollably. Also, he would be prone to dizzy spells. Seeing someone you love in pain and not being able to do anything about it is torture, pure and simple. His groans would twist my stomach into knots.  My tears were alwa...