Today, I was walking through a parking lot behind a woman. The wind hit just right, and I was able to detect she was wearing my favorite perfume, Giorgio of Beverly Hills. The sparkling scent hit my olfactory and I smiled to myself, remembering my first encounter with this perfume.
Years ago, I was reading Los Angeles magazine. This magazine held everything trendy and elite of this city. Tucked away in the glossy pages was a sample of Giorgio, accompanied with its advertisement. As I tore open the flap that held the strip of perfume, I was fascinated with picture the work-of-art bottle. The color scheme was sharp and clean—snowy white and sunny yellow stripes. Even the handwritten font of Giorgio was classy. I rubbed the perfumed strip on my wrist and sniffed. Immediately, I was smitten—the wonderful blend of floral, spice and musk was perfect. It embodied everything ritzy and glamorous—after all its complete name is Giorgio of Beverly Hills!
Suddenly, I asked myself, “Self, how can you say Giorgio is your favorite perfume, but you’ve never owned it?” Sad fact, but true—the only time I ever wore this perfume was on samples in magazines or shopping malls. Why was that? I came to a painful conclusion. I had built up this perfume so much that I couldn’t wear it daily unless I was shopping on Rodeo Drive. How silly is that! Obviously, the woman in front of me didn’t get this memo—we were certainly not in Beverly Hills hob-knobbing with the rich and famous!
If I like something, I don’t need to be compartmentalized and wait for a certain time in my life to enjoy it. I decided to stop denying myself and as a start, I would treat myself and buy a bottle of Giorgio. Would you believe, Giorgio of Beverly Hills is no longer on Rodeo Drive! How ironic is that! I’m taking this as a sign.
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