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Showing posts from May, 2015

In memory of my father

A couple of weeks ago, my father passed away. Though he was in his eighties and lived a good life, it was hurtful to receive the phone call. He was a great father and grandfather and I miss him terribly. A few days later, I was in my bedroom, waking up from my afternoon nap. Usually, I’m not an advocate of nap time, but the past couple of days I hadn't been sleeping well.  I had been grim and teary eyed. These siestas were my way of supplementing my rest. A box fan was in my open bedroom window. I looked out at the sunny afternoon sky and wondered how could it be such a nice day after what had happened.   I turned on the television, looking for something to break up the heavy silence. A small object moved outside my window and it caught my peripheral vision. I looked out the window and saw a huge, electric blue dragonfly. It was hovering by the fan, its iridescent wings beating furiously. Its globe-like eyes seemed to be staring intently at me.  I watched as it dar...