The woman stared at the video poker machine, transfixed at the electronic cards she was dealt. On her display was 5 cards in hearts-- a king, a jack, an ace, a ten and a four. She was sitting on a flush, which would pay a tidy sum of $25.00, with her maximum bet on this quarter machine. However, if she hit the deal/draw button and the machine was kind enough to give her a queen of hearts, then her investment of $1.25 would turn into the progressive jackpot of $1,326.75. Should she take what she was dealt or risk it for the big money? She let this question tumble in her brain. She was enjoying this feeling of anticipation. She was mistress of her own destiny, at least for a brief moment. She started to picture two different scenarios. The first thought was to push the corresponding hold buttons on all of the cards and take her winnings—after all it was a good rate of return. Then this scene evaporated and the second scene came into her mind’s eye. In this imag...